A message from PEI Dart's Association Inc

Greetings Everyone! Firstly, we'd like to apologize for the delay in getting a message out to you, the players. Our lives were all turned upside down in March and things are still far from "normal" now.
Our executive had a Zoom meeting back in August. As a result, we have a few topics we wanted to touch on as I'm sure you're all curious what is/will be happening with PEI Darts.
Potato Open/Island Open - We had to cancel our Potato Open that was scheduled to be held in Charlottetown in October. NDFC National has announced there will be no NDFC ranking points awarded until an undetermined date in the new year. Many other events on the NDFC calendar have also cancelled. We will assess the situation leading up to the Island Open and determine what to do closer to that date in April.
Annual General Meeting - Our AGM would normally have been held in the Spring but, due to Covid that just wasn't possible. The Provincial guidelines around capacity & social distancing in enclosed places have really restricted the ability to have a meeting but we have decided to move forward with an AGM. It will take place on Sunday December 13, 2020 at 1:00pm and will be held at the Boxcar Pub and Grill located at 1910 Nodd Road in Emerald, PE, approximately a five minute drive from Kensington. The AGM will be open to PEIDA Members only and memberships are available at any time by contacting an Executive Board Member or by purchasing one at the door on December 13.
Membership - Our current Secretary/Membership Director Tracy Powers has decided not to re-offer for her position. We, as a board, thank Tracy for her time and dedication to our start-up and continued support of PEI Dart's Association. Elections for any vacant Executive Board positions will be held at the AGM. Memberships expired September 30, 2020. PEI's membership package has been sent to Director-Christina Mill. Please contact her at director@peidarts.org if you'd like to renew/purchase a membership.