Scoring Update in January 26, 2025 Qualifier
During the January 26 Qualifiers held at the Emeral Community Center, a technical issue came up in the Men’s second round robin in a match between Bill Durant and Corey LeFort. During the first leg of their match, the final score of the leg was entered under the wrong name, eventually giving the leg to Bill when in fact it should have been Corey’s leg. As soon as they noticed the situation, they advised me and I went over to look at their tablet. They were about to start the third leg of the match and the score should have been 2-0 for Corey but it was showing 1-1. Since the error happened in the first leg, it was too late at that point to go back in the previous leg to change the final score of the leg and matches back in line. I asked them to confirm with me when their match would be done what the official final score is so I can manually update it in DartConnect.
When they completed the match, the official final score was 3-0 for Corey. When I finished playing the match that I was playing, I went in DartConnect and effectively modified the score to update it to 3-0 for Corey and properly saved the change. At the end of the day, Corey and Darren Bailey were tied for most points in the second round robin, but since Darren had won against Corey in that round, Darren was given first place on roll-back.
It was only the next day when Corey noticed that the score in DartConnect for his match against Bill was still showing as 2-1. Indeed, when I checked, it still showed as 2-1. Since I knew I had made the change manually and was sure that I had done so properly, I contacted DartConnect. Since the event is now closed in their system, they cannot go back to change the score of the match. Which leads us to the current situation.
For the purpose of final standings for the second round robin, Corey should have finished the day with 23 points and Darren 22, giving clear first position to Corey over Darren. Darren has been contacted personally to explain the situation and understands what happened and is good with updating the final results of the day manually on the PEIDA standings and rankings reports.
This change has been reflected in our official standings and rankings that have been published.